Frequently Ask Question

Do you have any suggestion, any question, any problem, or other else ? Don't hesitate to write us
1Do we accept cash on delivery?
Yes, we accept cash on delivery,Pay cash as soon as you receive your order. Make sure you have the exact amount of the payment.
3How can i track my order?
first order the product you want from anywhere on the site and then go to your account, you will see the list of orders you have made you can see the details of each order
5Do Hidaga Offer discount codes ?
Yes every shop offers a dicount codes whenever he wants. make sure to have the right discount code when you proceed to checkout, and every friday we make discount on our articles
7What is the return system of Hidaga?
  • 1. Choose the number of items to return and the reason for the return + additional information to facilitate the procedure
  • 2. Return the item to its original packaging, including any accessories (coupons, gadgets, etc.) that came with it.
  • 3. Drop off the entire package at one of our approved collection points or arrange for our agents to collect it from you. 4. Once your package has been re-routed, we will carry out a final check after which your refund can be made using your preferred refund method.
2How do I contact with Hidaga ?
For any problem, or you suggestion, or other, you can contact us through our number +212(0) 600000000, or write us here Hidaga, or also we our e-mail for you
4Can I cancel my order?
Yes, you can cancel your order if it still hasn't shipped. Orders already shipped cannot be canceled, you may reject the delivery once our delivery clerk contacts you. For delivered orders, you can submit a return request from your account
6Can I replace my product if I need?
Yes, you can replace a product in maximum of 7 days, and the product must not have problem before you ask the replacement.
8Can I get refund for any of my product?
As the delivery offer is subject to a minimum purchase amount, you are able to cancel products once the order has been confirmed, but you will take care of the return shipping costs.
9How much time it takes to deliver product?
The delivery time is counted from the day you place your order until the day of our first delivery attempt. .Working days count from Monday to Friday. They do not include weekends and holidays. It may take amount 1 to 76 days to deliver your command. Exceeded this period, you will be refunded.

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